Preguntas frecuentes
Preguntas frecuentes
Encuentre respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre nuestra fábrica de suministros para mascotas, incluidos detalles de productos, servicios de personalización, procesos de pedidos al por mayor e información logística.
¿Cual es su MOQ?
Do you have any agent in our country?
For the time being there is no agent, we also recruit agents
¿Es usted una empresa comercial o un fabricante?
We are a manufacturer.
¿Dónde está ubicada su fábrica?
Our factory is located in Shenzhen, China.
How long it takes you to provide the designing options for us?
You have sales target finished amount requirement to the distributor?
You can send messages and email contact.
Can your equipment run for a long time?
Our equipment can run continuously for a long time.
Can you help guide the selection?
We have quite professional technical support can.Please send an email.